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Add the following information to your cart. Please make sure to check the contents.



This will not be reflected in the finished image.


This will not be reflected in the finished image.

The difference in welting will not be reflected in the finished image.

Please select from the following.

Please select from the following.

Please select from the following.

The selectable items vary depending on the series you choose.


  • Text
  • Font

    Please note that Brush and ArialBlack can only be selected when the embroidery or laser text is in alphabetic characters. If the text is in kanji, hiragana, or katakana, the typeface will be Japanese.
    Please note that if you combine the alphabet with Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana, the Japanese typeface will be used for Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, and the selected typeface will be used for the alphabet only.

  • Style
  • Text color
  • Text color for Shadow / Edge

Please note that the typeface sample is just an image and may differ from the actual finish.
For embroidery and laser, only the "position" of the embroidery will be reflected on the screen.
Text content, typeface, style, color, etc. will not be reflected.


  • Text
  • Font

    Please note that Brush and ArialBlack can only be selected when the embroidery or laser text is in alphabetic characters. If the text is in kanji, hiragana, or katakana, the typeface will be Japanese.
    Please note that if you combine the alphabet with Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana, the Japanese typeface will be used for Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, and the selected typeface will be used for the alphabet only.

  • Style
  • Text color
  • Text color for Shadow / Edge

Please note that the typeface sample is just an image and may differ from the actual finish.
For embroidery and laser, only the "position" of the embroidery will be reflected on the screen.
Text content, typeface, style, color, etc. will not be reflected.


  • Text
  • Font

    Please note that Brush and ArialBlack can only be selected when the embroidery or laser text is in alphabetic characters. If the text is in kanji, hiragana, or katakana, the typeface will be Japanese.
    Please note that if you combine the alphabet with Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana, the Japanese typeface will be used for Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, and the selected typeface will be used for the alphabet only.

  • Style
  • Text color
  • Text color for Shadow / Edge

Please note that the typeface sample is just an image and may differ from the actual finish.
For embroidery and laser, only the "position" of the embroidery will be reflected on the screen.
Text content, typeface, style, color, etc. will not be reflected.

Customization details

Left or Right
Back-shell Lacing
Finger sleeve / finger pad
Leather color
thumb: {{colors[values.l_g_01].value}} / Inside thumb: {{colors[values.l_g_02].value}} / Index finger inside: {{colors[values.l_g_03].value}} / Index finger outside: {{colors[values.l_g_04].value}} / Middle finger inside: {{colors[values.l_g_05].value}} / Middle finger outside: {{colors[values.l_g_06].value}} / Ring finger inside: {{colors[values.l_g_07].value}} / Ring finger outside: {{colors[values.l_g_08].value}} / Little finger inside: {{colors[values.l_g_09].value}} / Little finger outside: {{colors[values.l_g_10].value}} / Back of Hand: {{colors[values.l_g_11].value}} / Palm: {{colors[values.l_g_12].value}} / Thumb belt: {{colors[values.l_g_13].value}} / Little finger belt: {{colors[values.l_g_14].value}} / Web: {{colors[values.l_g_16].value}} / Binding: {{colors[values.l_g_15].value}} / Palm liner: {{colors[values.ura].value}}
Palm: {{colors[values.l_c_01].value}} / Target: {{colors[values.l_c_02].value}} / Web: {{colors[values.l_c_03].value}} / Lining: {{colors[values.l_c_04].value}} / thumb: {{colors[values.l_c_05].value}} / Little finger: {{colors[values.l_c_07].value}} / Thumb belt: {{colors[values.l_c_10].value}} / Little finger belt: {{colors[values.l_c_11].value}} / Binding: {{colors[values.l_c_12].value}} / Palm liner: {{colors[values.ura].value}}
Palm: {{colors[values.l_f_01].value}} / Web: {{colors[values.l_f_02].value}} / web bottom: {{colors[values.l_f_03].value}} / U-Shape: {{colors[values.l_f_04].value}} / thumb: {{colors[values.l_f_05].value}} / back shell: {{colors[values.l_f_07].value}} / Thumb belt: {{colors[values.l_f_10].value}} / Little finger belt: {{colors[values.l_f_11].value}} / Binding: {{colors[values.l_f_12].value}} / wrist: {{colors[values.l_f_13].value}} / Palm liner: {{colors[values.ura].value}}
Label color
Mouton color
Lacing color
Stitch color
Welting color
Finger sleeve / finger pad color
lettering / thumb
Type: {{embs[values.emb_01].value}} / Font : {{emb_fonts[values.emb_01_font].value}} / Style : {{emb_styles[values.emb_01_style].value}} / Text color : {{emb_colors[values.emb_01_color_str].value}} / Text color for Shadow / Edge: {{emb_colors[values.emb_01_color_sdw].value}} / Text: {{values.emb_01_text}}
lettering / little finger
Type: {{embs[values.emb_02].value}} / Font : {{emb_fonts[values.emb_02_font].value}} / Style : {{emb_styles[values.emb_02_style].value}} / Text color : {{emb_colors[values.emb_02_color_str].value}} / Text color for Shadow / Edge: {{emb_colors[values.emb_02_color_sdw].value}} / Text: {{values.emb_02_text}}
lettering / Palm Liner
Type: {{embs[values.emb_03].value}} / Font : {{emb_fonts[values.emb_03_font].value}} / Style : {{emb_styles[values.emb_03_style].value}} / Text color : {{emb_colors[values.emb_03_color_str].value}} / Text color for Shadow / Edge: {{emb_colors[values.emb_03_color_sdw].value}} / Text: {{values.emb_03_text}}
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